


Dan Whalen





Web Site Title

Do It Yourself

Web Site Author

Not found

Appropriate Grade

9 – 12

Content Standards


Primary Use

A source of information on a variety of topics concerning “do it yourself” activities. Within the boundaries of these topics is information that falls in the scope of construction trades including carpentry and cabinetmaking.

Educational Value

of Site

Students can find an abundance of self help topics in areas that would be related to their project. The range of topics would also include the building trades in the form of basic and complex carpentry projects as well as cabinet and furniture making. The diversity of the site also allows the students to find the proper tools to do the work and the maintenance of those tools.

Strengths of Site

The sites great diversity in what information it can deliver to a student without leaving the site is a huge advantage. The site is well set up in that the side menu allows great mobility within the site to the immense information

Weaknesses of Site

The site has no discernable author which is not a major factor in as much as the contributors to the site are authored. This is, as are many, a site with advertisements which can be distractive.


